Koinju REST API 1.0 - Documentation

General description and contexte


RESTful endpoint provides the widest range of data, based on HTTP protocol which works in Request-Reply scheme.

Every message is returned in JSON.


Production base endpoint: https://api.koinju.io

Make sure there is no trailing / in any endpoint.

HTTP Success

Successful HTTP responses have the status code 200.

HTTP Errors

All HTTP requests with response status codes different to 200 must be considered as failed and you should expect additional JSON inside the body of the response with the error message encapsulated inside it as shown in the example. We use the following error codes:

Standards & Conventions


For all input and most of the output time values are Unix timestamps. For some of the output time values ISO 8601 standard is used.

Input time values must be formatted as a Unix timestamp in nanoseconds: 1582902030000000000

Output time values are formatted using the following pattern: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ

Last updated